Hello Clio Band Families,
Here is our bi-weekly newsletter for January 31st, 2021 . All information/updates will be posted below so you can keep up to date with all that is happening in the Clio Band Program!
Upcoming Calendar of Events (stay up-to-date by visiting cliobands.org/calendar):
February 1st at 1:35PM, HS Jazz Band Meeting, CHS Band Room
February 2nd, All Day, Virtual Day (District-wide),
February 15th, No School (Presidents Day)
February 15th, Band & Music Booster Meeting (Virtual, Zoom link here)
February 24th, Virtual Day (MS & HS)
March 5th, 5PM CHS Chamber Music Performance (Livestream)
May 15th, Celebration of the Arts
Summer Dates for MMB 2021 (All dates are TENTATIVE, and are subject to change)
Spring Rehearsal Dates (Times TBA): May 20, May 27, June 3, June 8
MMB Leadership Training, July 9, 12
New Member (Winds), Percussion (All), Colorguard Camp, July 13-15
Pre-Camp (All members), July 19-23
Band Camp, July 26-31
Week of Rest (No Rehearsals), August 2-6
From Mr. Mufarreh:
Reminder for our virtual students, please make sure you are attending the daily Zoom meetings! At least for our 6, 7, and 8th grade band students, there are some inconsistencies with meeting attendance. Please remind your student to login each and every day!
Students at the HS have started our chamber music unit, and we are excited to share this music with our Clio Band families! Each student is rehearsing and performing in small groups of 2-4, and will create recordings of their performances which will be premiered via Livestream on March 5th at 5PM. Don’t worry if you cannot make it at that time, as this will be made as a video that can be accessed at any time!
For our 7, 8 and HS Bands, we are looking ahead for MSBOA Band Festival. While Festival will not be the same format, we are excited at the prospect of preparing for a performance. MSBOA Band Festival will be held in a virtual format, and will be a pre-recorded video to be submitted for feedback/ratings. The event will be in the beginning of May, which will help prepare us for our annual Celebration of the Arts, which is our district-wide, all day performance which is scheduled for May 15th, 2021.
From Mrs. Witham
We are excited to be getting started with 5th Grade Beginning Band! All students have been fitting for instruments. Please contact Port Huron Music for instrument rentals (810-984-5081), or contact Mrs. Witham for more information/questions.
From the Band & Music Boosters:
Just a reminder that we will resume our regular Booster meetings next Monday, February 15th at 6:00 PM and will be held on the 3rd Monday of every month. If you have a child in Clio bands in any capacity or are thinking of joining, please join via zoom (or in person when we can resume).
Keep in mind that we are looking to fill some key Board roles coming this Spring and would love for you to join us in keeping our band programs going even during these unprecedented times. Training will be provided.
Band Jackets are available for purchase by HS Band Members through Kidd Co. The jackets can be purchased at the following link for $55, for an additional $5 students can get their name embroidered. These can be purchased until 2/15/2021 at the link here.
Mr. Mufarreh, wmufarreh@clioschools.org
Mrs. Witham, vwitham@clioschools.org