Clio Bands, January 22nd, 2023 Newsletter

Hello Clio Band Families, 

Here is our newsletter for January 22st, 2023 . All information/updates will be posted below so you can keep up to date with all that is happening in the Clio Band Program!

Upcoming Calendar of Events: 

Pep Band Games, Friday 1/27, 5:30pm & 7pm 

Band Lock-In, Saturday, 1/28/23, 6-11pm 

High School Solo & Ensemble, Imlay City HS, Schedule TBA, 2/11/23 

7/8 Pre-Festival Concert, 2/14/23, 7pm 

HS Pre-Festival Concert, 2/15/23, 7pm 

*CMS 7th Grade Band MSBOA Festival Performance, 3/3/23, 3:55pm

*CMS 8th Grade Band MSBOA Festival Performance, 3/3/23, 5:55pm 

*CHS Symphony Band MSBOA Festival Performance, 3/4/23, 11:15am

*CHS Wind Ensemble MSBOA Festival Performance, 3/4/23,  2:20pm 

* All Festival performances will be at the Swartz Creek Performing Arts Center

CHS Band Spaghetti Dinner, 3/21/23 

From Mr. Mufarreh: 

We are now rolling into semester 2! Over half-way through the year! Please note it is a BUSY semester leading up to spring break. Lockin, festivals, Jazz Band, Pep Band, etc. Please check the band website for updates at 

From the Band Boosters:

We will be looking for donations soon for our Annual Spaghetti Dinner on Tuesday, March 21st. Also, nominations for Booster E-Board will be soon, please make sure to join us at our meetings! Our next meeting is February 8th at 6pm in the CHS Band Room.  

MSBOA District 3 Band Festival, March 4-5th, 2022

MSBOA District 3 Band Festival, March 4-5th, 2022

 Swartz Creek Performing Arts Center

8427 Miller Rd, Swartz Creek, MI 48473

CLICK HERE for a sharable version of this letter

MSBOA District 3 Festival represents one of the most important days on our annual musical calendar. The MSBOA (Michigan Schools Band and Orchestra Association) is an organization consisting of bands and orchestras around the State of Michigan. Clio High/Middle Schools are a member of this organization. At the festival, students perform their music and are evaluated by a panel of musical experts – it is a complete educational experience. Please note that the festival is required for all band students per the attendance policy in the Band Handbook  

Itinerary: MSBOA Festival, Friday March 4th - 7th/8th Grade Bands 

Wind Ensemble/Symphony Band on the Reverse Side 


7th Grade Band 

2:30 p.m.          Report to CMS Band Room in Uniform (Polos will be distributed the day prior, please wear all uniform parts to school on Friday, see page 4 for proper uniform) 

2:50 p.m.          Depart CMS  

3:20 p.m.          Arrive at SCPAC, unload, report to coat room 

3:55 p.m.          Approximate Warm-up time  

4:25 p.m.         7th Grade Band Performance/Clinic. 

Parents, please attend to support our students!

4:45 p.m.          Finish clinic, move equipment off-stage, head to coat room to put away instruments 

5:00 p.m.          After ratings are posted, load busses 

5:15 p.m.          Depart for CHS

5:45 p.m.          Arrive at CHS 


8th Grade Band 

5:00 p.m.          Report to CHS Band Room in Uniform (Polos will be distributed day prior, please make sure you have all uniform parts, see page 4 for proper uniform)           

5:30 p.m.          Depart CHS 

6:00 p.m.          Arrive at SCPAC, unload, report to coat room 

6:30 p.m.          Approximate warm-up time

7:00 p.m.         8th Grade Band Performance/Clinic.

Parents, please attend to support our students! 

7:25 p.m.          Finish clinic, move equipment off-stage, head to coat room to put away instruments

7:40 p.m.          After ratings are posted, load busses

8:00 p.m.          Depart for CHS

8:30 p.m.          Arrive at CHS 

Itinerary: MSBOA Festival, Saturday March 5th – Wind Ensemble/Symphony Band 


Wind Ensemble

11:30 a.m.        Report to CHS Band Room

12:00 p.m.        Depart CHS 

12:30 p.m.        Arrive at SCPAC, unload, report to coat room 

1:00 p.m.          Watch Linden Concert Band, Clio Symphony Band, & Flint Powers Wind Ensemble             

2:30 p.m.          Head to coat room, grab equipment/instruments

2:45 p.m.          Approximate warm-up 

3:15 p.m.         Wind Ensemble Performance/Clinic. Parents, please attend to support our students!

3:40 p.m.          Finish clinic, move equipment off-stage, head to coat room to put away instruments, load percussion into trailer. 

4:15 p.m.          After ratings are posted, load busses 

4:30 p.m.          Depart for CHS 

5:00 p.m.          Arrive CHS, Percussionists (and others that would like to help), meet at CHS to unload equipment

Symphony Band

11:30 a.m.        Report to CHS Band Room 

12:00 p.m.        Depart CHS 

12:30 p.m.        Arrive at SCPAC, unload, report to coat room 

1:00 p.m.          Approximate warm-up 

1:30 p.m.         Symphony Band Performance/Clinic. Parents, please attend to support our students!

1:55 p.m.          Finish clinic, move equipment off-stage, head to coat room to put away instruments. 

2:15 pm.          Watch Flint Powers Wind Ensemble, Linden Wind Ensemble, & Clio Wind Ensemble

3:40 p.m.          Vacate auditorium, wait in concessions area for WE rating (percussion, help load trailer 

4:15 p.m.          After ratings are posted, load busses 

4:30 p.m.          Depart for CHS 

5:00 p.m.          Arrive CHS, Percussionists (and others that would like to help), meet at CHS to unload equipment 


·      Parents, friends, family... Please attend and bring others with you! It truly means a lot to have a supportive crowd while performing.

·      Students must be prepared with the correct uniform, instrument, music, working reeds, mallets, etc. at the time designated above! 

·      If you are coming to watch the performance, please arrive early. Entering and exiting the auditorium is not allowed during a performance. 

·      Enjoy the success of the student-musicians at festival. We will have a great performance! 



7th & 8th Grade Band Uniform:

Plain BLACK Undershirt, worn underneath  Clio Band Polo (provided at the performance) 


BLACK socks and BLACK shoes

CHS Band Uniform: 



BLACK socks and BLACK shoes

BLACK Dress shirt or blouse, NO BLACK T-SHIRTS


Students are expected to stay the entire time. The only person or persons you may leave with are your parents or legal guardians. You may not leave with a brother, sister, Aunt, Uncle, grandparents, etc. You must fill out the “Leaving With Parent” form by Wednesday, March 3rd in order to leave early, and must check out with a Chaperone before you depart. 

You are expected to always behave at the highest standards during this festival. Behave on the buses, in the halls, and in the auditorium while listening to bands. You do not “hoot,” whistle, or talk during another band’s performance. 

DO NOT TOUCH anything in the coat room or write on the boards. We are a guest in the host’s building.

Be quiet when standing outside of the auditorium when a band is performing. 

Profanity or any language that could be interpreted as profanity will not be tolerated at any time during the trip. 

All school rules are in effect and must be obeyed during the entire day. The chaperones and I will not tolerate anything less than the best behavior from Clio students. 

Chaperones are to always be treated with the proper respect! 

Do not play your instrument in the coat room. 

There is food for purchase at Swartz Creek, but there is no room in our itinerary for a mass amount of students to go a purchase concessions. Please make plans to eat before your report time or after we arrive back at CHS. 

Make sure that you remember your instrument, extra reeds, mallets, and music. 

Be an excellent representative of Clio Area Schools and Bands at all times!!!!!!! 


Please ensure that students follow all the above rules and expectations. 

Encourage students to be respectful to the bus driver, other chaperones, and all adults throughout the trip. 

Make sure that students “leave it better than they found it.” Every area we enter and exit should look better than when we came in (no trash, things are organized and clean). Please enforce this rule with the kids. We want to be a great representation of Clio High School! 

Have fun! Thanks so much for offering time out of your busy schedule. 



7th Grade Band:

8th Grade Band:

High School Band:

Leaving with Parent Form: 

Pre-Festival Concert Information (Wind Ensemble/Symphony Band)

MSBOA District III Band Pre-Festival Concert Letter

CLICK HERE for a shareable version of this letter

Dear CHS Band Families & Members, 

This letter is an invitation to you, your family, and friends to attend the CHS Band Program’s Pre-Festival Concert on Wednesday, February 23rd at 7PM in Woolson Auditorium at CHS.      

Our band members have been working hard in ensemble rehearsals and through individual practice to prepare this music for your entertainment and enjoyment. I know the students will give their best efforts as performers and hope that you, as audience members, will help provide the students with a true concert atmosphere.

All pertinent information regarding the concert is below, please read this letter in its entirety as it will ensure our success at Band Festival. Pre-Festival is a “practice” concert for Band Festival ,and we will receive feedback on our performance from mock judges to assist in our preparation! 

Concert Time:

The concert begins at 7:00 PM. 

Concert Location: CHS Auditorium

Concert Date: Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022  

Student Call Time:

WHERE: Inside of Auditorium seated and ready to play for sound check. Instrument cases and personal belongings will be put inside of the CHS Media Center

WHEN: 5:30PM for Wind Ensemble, 6PM for Symphony Band

Audience Considerations/Information

-       Plan to arrive on time. It is important that everyone is in his or her seat before the downbeat of the first selection. If you do happen to run a little late, please wait and enter the concert area between musical selections.

-       Remain seated. If you find you must leave the concert area for some reason, please wait and do so only between selections.

-       If bringing small children, sit near an exit. Small children often become restless during the course of the concert. By sitting near an exit you can minimize the distraction by slipping out as quietly as possible.

-       Avoid extraneous noise. If your pager, cell phone or watch has an electronic alarm, please be sure it is turned off during the concert.

-       Be courteous while taking pictures. Flash photography is discouraged while the students are performing.



Grading and Uniform Information

Your Pre-Festival is Wednesday, February 23rd, at 7pm in Woolson Auditorium. This concert is REQUIRED for all members of the HS Bands.. Families are urged to see that their children take this responsibility seriously. To receive full credit for the concert, students are expected to adhere to the following guidelines:

Performance Grading

1. Students will be dressed in the appropriate concert attire. If applicable, students should be in full uniform. Students will not be able to perform with the ensemble unless they are in the correct uniform.

2. Students will be dressed, instruments assembled, music gathered, and in their seat at their concert call time. Being late to a concert means the student was not in his/her seat, ready to go, at assigned time.

3. Students will behave in a manner that is appropriate in the concert setting. Inappropriate behavior, including improper warm-up, is not tolerated and could result in being prevented from performing. 

4. Students are expected to stay for the entire concert. Even if the student has completed his/her portion of the concert, students are expected to stay and support, listen to, and evaluate other ensembles performing.

5. Students are expected to put equipment away after the performance. This includes instruments, music, stands, chairs, and uniforms.


Uniform Policy

Uniforms are worn at all concerts and public events. Band members are expected to maintain a neat and clean appearance. No student will be allowed to perform without the proper uniform.

CHS Band Uniform: 



BLACK socks and BLACK shoes

BLACK Dress shirt or blouse, NO BLACK T-SHIRTS


MSBOA District Band Festival Performance

Saturday, March 5th, 2022

Symphony Band Performance: 1:30PM

Wind Ensemble Performance: 3:15PM

More detailed information coming soon for Band Festival Performance. 


Pre-Festival Concert Information (7th, 8th)

MSBOA District III Band Pre-Festival Concert Letter

CLICK HERE for a shareable version of this letter

Dear 7th and 8th Grade Band Families & Members, 

This letter is an invitation to you, your family, and friends to attend the CMS Band Program’s Pre-Festival Concert on Tuesday, February 22nd at 7PM in Woolson Auditorium at CHS.      

Our band members have been working hard in ensemble rehearsals and through individual practice to prepare this music for your entertainment and enjoyment. I know the students will give their best efforts as performers and hope that you, as audience members, will help provide the students with a true concert atmosphere.

All pertinent information regarding the concert is below, please read this letter in its entirety as it will ensure our success at Band Festival. Pre-Festival is a “practice” concert for Band Festival ,and we will receive feedback on our performance from mock judges to assist in our preparation! 

Concert Time:

The concert begins at 7:00 PM. 

Concert Location: CHS Auditorium

Concert Date: Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022  

Student Call Time:

WHERE: Inside of Auditorium seated and ready to play for sound check. Instrument cases and personal belongings will be put inside of the CHS Media Center

WHEN: 5:30PM for 8th Grade Band, 6PM for 7th Grade Band

Audience Considerations/Information

-       Plan to arrive on time. It is important that everyone is in his or her seat before the downbeat of the first selection. If you do happen to run a little late, please wait and enter the concert area between musical selections.

-       Remain seated. If you find you must leave the concert area for some reason, please wait and do so only between selections.

-       If bringing small children, sit near an exit. Small children often become restless during the course of the concert. By sitting near an exit you can minimize the distraction by slipping out as quietly as possible.

-       Avoid extraneous noise. If your pager, cell phone or watch has an electronic alarm, please be sure it is turned off during the concert.

-       Be courteous while taking pictures. Flash photography is discouraged while the students are performing.



Grading and Uniform Information

Your Pre-Festival is Tuesday, February 22nd, at 7pm in Woolson Auditorium. This concert is REQUIRED for all members of the 7th and 8th grade bands. Families are urged to see that their children take this responsibility seriously. To receive full credit for the concert, students are expected to adhere to the following guidelines:

Performance Grading

1. Students will be dressed in the appropriate concert attire. If applicable, students should be in full uniform. Students will not be able to perform with the ensemble unless they are in the correct uniform.

2. Students will be dressed, instruments assembled, music gathered, and in their seat at their concert call time. Being late to a concert means the student was not in his/her seat, ready to go, at assigned time.

3. Students will behave in a manner that is appropriate in the concert setting. Inappropriate behavior, including improper warm-up, is not tolerated and could result in being prevented from performing. 

4. Students are expected to stay for the entire concert. Even if the student has completed his/her portion of the concert, students are expected to stay and support, listen to, and evaluate other ensembles performing.

5. Students are expected to put equipment away after the performance. This includes instruments, music, stands, chairs, and uniforms.


Uniform Policy

Uniforms are worn at all concerts and public events. Band members are expected to maintain a neat and clean appearance. No student will be allowed to perform without the proper uniform.

7th & 8th Grade Band Uniform:

Plain BLACK Undershirt, worn underneath  Clio Band Polo (provided at the performance) 


BLACK socks and BLACK shoes


MSBOA District Band Festival Performance

Friday, March 4th, 2022

7th Grade Band Performance: 4:25PM 

8th Grade Band Performance: 7:00PM 

More detailed information coming soon for Band Festival Performance.