MMB Updates - July 9th 2020

Hello Clio Band families, 

LOTS of updates, so place read this whole post! 

  1. Here is a link to our procedures for having marching band during these unique times: Read through the document in its entirety, a couple of important notes are the waivers, and check in form. Waivers are going to be sent to your emails to virtual sign, we will also have paper copies. These MUST be signed for your student to come to rehearsal, and students much fill out the check in form before each rehearsal. 

  2. Next week, we have rehearsals from 10AM-2PM. 10-12 is our new member wind players/section leaders, 12-2 is ALL percussion (including new percussion members), and colorguard. 

  3. It is imperative that each student have their OWN water jug, at least a half-gallon, or a gallon is ideal! Students will not be permitted to share water, so make sure they are prepared! 

  4. If you missed our MMB Q&A session, please see the following link:

  5. Please look for posts that will come from our Booster Parents, we will NEED parent volunteers to make this season possible for our students! 

If there are any additional questions, please let me know. Do read through the document carefully, and watch the Q&A if you have a chance, that will help me try to get any questions that haven't already been asked. 

We will do what we can to give our students their season, which is all we can control! 

Looking forward to seeing everyone soon.