Dear Clio Band Families,
I hope you are all having a wonderful summer so far. Clearly, these are unique times we are living through. While I may not have many answers right now, I want to ensure that we are making reasonable communication during the summer with regard to the marching band season, and what to expect. Please read through the document in its entirety, as there is a LOT to update on.
Band Booster Meeting (Monday, July 6th, 6PM)
If you have a student in the band program, you are a member of the band booster organization! We are continuing to hold our booster meetings via Zoom.
Here is the information to our next meeting on July:
Topic: July Band Booster Meeting
Time: Jul 6, 2020 06:00 PM America/Detroit
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 961 4496 9992 Password: 5NzxRA
MMB Q&A Session (Wednesday, July 8th, 6PM)
We know during this time, it can be very challenging to ask and to answer questions via email, one main Zoom meeting, etc. and to accomplish this with details changing rapidly. We'd like for all of you to have another opportunity to get some questions answered about the MMB and our current situation. On Wednesday, July 8th, at 6PM, We'll be hosting a Q & A session about all things marching band and the booster organization for all parents of current and incoming members. We'd like to give you the opportunity to ask up to five questions in advance that we will compile and address at the meeting using this form -
We'll also have the 'chat' feature running through Zoom so that you can ask live questions/follow up questions/etc. The ENTIRE meeting will be devoted to answering your questions, getting feedback on our current situation, and explaining some aspects of marching band in a little more detail. We will record this meeting for anyone who isn't able to be there and, again, this meeting is for parents only. No students. Hope to see you there!
Topic: MMB Parent Q&A
Time: Jul 8, 2020 06:00 PM America/Detroit
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 991 1404 1500 Password: 1NUj19
COVID Rehearsal Protocols
Right now, myself (Mr. Mufarreh), the band boosters, as well as the CHS admin are working on the necessary protocols that will need to be in place for our students to safely rehearse for the season. This will include, but is not limited to; wearing masks, proper sanitation of equipment, social distancing, and many other details that are in the works. As of right now, we ARE moving forward with the MMB season as scheduled.
Calendar Updates
Please continue to check our website for the most up-to-date calendar information Due to restrictions on the number of students that can be at the school at one time, we will use staggered rehearsal times, and staggered dismissals. Exact timings will be posted early next week.
Full ensemble camp will be from 9AM-5PM for the scheduled days, and BAND CAMP will also be 9AM-5PM. This is a change from years past, but this will allow protocols such as social distancing during meals, staggered rehearsal times, division of sections to maintain social distancing, much easier. We are working on a shorter show this year (6 minutes versus the typical 7-9 minutes), so we will not be behind due to less rehearsal time. By adding the extra time to the full ensemble camp, we have minimal time loss. We are also going to be scheduling fun/bonding activities (following guidelines of course!) to allow the students the social time that they need! Please feel free to contact Mr. Mufarreh with any questions regarding this schedule change.
Please make sure you are subscribed to our reminds, as well as checking email frequency.
Text the phone number (81010) the following codes
Freshman/Sophomore members/parents: @mmb2023-24
Junior/Senior members/parents: @mmb2021-22
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Mr. William Mufarreh